Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Holy Experience Unwrapping...

Last night I read this:  "They were once a delightsome people, and they had Christ for their shepherd; yea, they were led even by God the Father." (Mormon 5:17)

And then this morning I read this:  "...yea, ye will not hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd..." (Helaman 7:18)

My mind has been pondering sheep and the Shepherd and discipleship ever since.

And then I read of how the Nephites grew proud because of their riches and blessings and then they let the adversary get hold over their hearts.  This all happened in just a few years (see Helaman 6-7).  And the question plagued me:  How do I prevent he adversary from getting a great hold on my heart?  What is the formula for keeping him at bay and away?  What is the antidote for pride?

Curled up in my armchair in the peace of this Autumn morning, the answers came...

First, I must listen to His voice moment by moment--continually seeking to do His will and not my own.  {This is how I can keep my heart centered on the Lord and reject the lures of the adversary.}

Second, I must give praise and thanks for every blessing which I receive, acknowledging that every thing comes from the Lord.  I can recognize that trials come to stir us up in remembrance of the One who descended below all things and shape us into more Christlike beings.  I can realize that blessings and talents, too, always come from Him. {This is how I can combat pride on the one hand and bitterness on the other--the two vices that distance ourselves from the Lord.}

And maybe, just maybe, I am beginning to unwrap the gift of learning to live A Holy Experience here in mortality.  To follow and to praise are perhaps two of the keys that unlock the beautiful mystery of learning how to live in holiness each day.

It's as if Autumn has brought me a turning.  A turning of green leaves to a golden hue...and a turning of my green heart to one with just a tint of gold now.

Yes.  All is Grace.

1 comment:

  1. This was an inspiring post. I too think learning to hear the spirit in our lives and have grateful hearts are a must.
    Blessings to you and thanks for sharing your testimony in these thoughts.
