Friday, September 28, 2012

For Today...

Yesterday fear gripped me as I thought of all the evil and wickedness and turmoil and unrest in the world.  And what I feared most was the unpredictability of the unknown.

But today I am shifting my views to the good that is still left in the world, the beautiful nature that surrounds me, all these tender mercies that a good Father bestows.  It is all grace, even the hard times.  And we must give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father for all times and seasons.  But sometimes giving thanks for the hard is difficult.  It takes time to learn this new language of thanks when what we want to do is worry, complain about our trials, and be pessimistic.  I continue to work on this language-learning, and until I can master it fully, I will glory in doing the easy gratitude--thanks for all that's good around me.

Because it's there.  We just have to notice it.

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1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way; the outside world is scary. I do try to be positive and grateful. Loved your thoughts!
