Saturday, April 9, 2016

Everyday Moments

On a little Spring Break getaway this last week, I was able to finish a book I have been savoring for the past little while. It's called, Everyday Moments - Discovering Christ in the Details of Motherhood by Jessica Poe.

Jessica and I have been blogging friends for a long while now and I have been so excited for the release of her new book. Today, I wanted to post a short book review and feature a few of her amazing quotes.

Jessica writes: "To find the extraordinary spiritual side of my ordinary life, I have to swap my thoughts with His." When I read these words, my interest was instantly piqued and I wondered how I could learn this lovely art of seeing the spiritual side of motherhood. Thankfully, the rest of her book models for us how to do just that. Jessica's ability as a master storyteller is captivating. It's her ordinary, yet magical stories that draw me in and teach me how to elevate my own mundane and even frustrating moments to profound spiritual symbols.

Along these lines, one of the most empowering parts of her book is that it's a workbook and not just an inspiring read. The chapters end with thought-provoking questions and challenges that help us take the messages and put them into practice.

Jessica has even included a complimentary study guide (that I was privileged to help create) that goes hand in hand with the book chapters. (You can download the study guide here.)

For me, reading Jessica's words was like sitting down with a good friend and letting her stories, (which were so similar to my own), wrap me up with a blanket of comfort.

With poignant words, she teaches us where to go with the deep questions of our hearts:
"...I feel [that little girl inside of me] when my questions seem beyond my capacity, and I wish someone would just hand me the answer. Deep down I know I need to pray more and talk less. I know I need to trust more and worry less. I know I need to seek Him--and seeking takes time, effort, and heart. But when I'm tired, confused, and flustered, I just want to know now. Here's the thing, though: on the heavy-weight questions--the ones that can transform lives here and through eternity--it doesn't matter how many people hand me the answer. None of their answers matter. Only the all-knowing, all-loving, perfect One can provide the answer to settle my soul. He sends the answer, and He is the answer. Maybe that is what I really need to say to...that girl within me."
Lacing stories and experiences throughout the pages, she teaches us how to treasure the little moments of our lives:
"I want to thank Him for bubbles in the puddle, for mile-high stacks of stuffed animals, for crayon love notes, and for rich soil etched into the bottom of rain boots. It's time to notice little things with a big, grateful heart."
But most of all, Jessica teaches us how to take these moments and see them with new eyes. Through her wisdom, I've been given a paradigm shift, a higher vision, and a holy purpose to this challenging role of motherhood. Everyday Moments is not just a book with a few tips and tricks to a more meaningful motherhood--it's an invitation to a deeper, richer, holier way of life.

If you know of a mother who could use some extra encouragement and a fresh dose of hope, this book would make the perfect Mother's Day gift. It's a treasure, and I feel so blessed to have learned how to discover Christ in the details of motherhood.

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