Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rain on Your Face...

Yesterday it rained peaceful all day. And I looked forward to the evening when a light would shine through the gray.

In my faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we gather every six months for a General Worldwide Conference. The Saturday before the General Conference, we gather for a General Women's Meeting as sisters around the globe to hear the words of the Savior through our General leaders. 

So at 4:00 I drove to the Church to help with a Humanitarian Service Project, eat dinner, and then listen to the proceedings of the meeting.

As the meeting started, I felt so grateful that I belong to this amazing organization...where I can hear the words of God. The meetings are free of charge and open to any who desire to come and be filled.

By the end of the meeting I had my notes all colored in with points that had struck deep chords in my heart--things I want to remember and always treasure. #ldsconf #womensmeeting #presuchtdorf

{To access this special meeting click here.}

One of the most inspiring points for me came in the form of an analogy by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He succinctly explained that when we think of following the commandments, many of us think that the blessings of heaven are locked up in a cloud, so to speak, and Heavenly Father will only unlock the key when we follow the parental directives He's given.

But in reality, it's not like that at all. The cloud is open and freely pouring down a rainstorm of blessings, but our doubts, fears, and sins act like umbrellas keeping us from the blessed hallowed rain that Heavenly Father is always sending forth.

I felt to consider--what is my umbrella? Is it the fear that my small and simple life will be too small to make a difference? Or the fear of fully raising my witness of my beliefs? Is it the doubt that I won't be enough to accomplish all the Lord has in store for me? Or the doubt that grace is not really sufficient for me? Is it my sins of gossiping? Or ingratitude? The list could go on. Because I am an imperfect person with a handful of umbrellas. But the beauty of the matter is, I hold the handles. And I can choose to push the button at any time. The button to pull down my sins and my doubts and my fears--all of which are untrue and all of which can be dispelled through the light of truth.

I decided in my heart, that I didn't want to keep my umbrella open any longer.

So I discarded my umbrella forever, with face upturned to the soak in the heavenly downpour.

Will you?

Is there a fear or doubt or sin you are holding onto like an illusory umbrella?

Isn't it time you felt the warm rain on your face?


  1. I am very happy you are back. It is time to feel the warm rain on our faces. This was a lovely post and I will look forward again to reading and enjoying your blog posts.
    Blessings and hugs!

    1. LeAnn, Thank you so much for coming! I'm so grateful to have you join me here!
