Friday, June 12, 2015

The Queen Bee Challenge

Hello Friends!

It's Friday and I'm so happy.

This week has been filled with Science experiments, Art projects, baseball games, reading "The Chronicles of Narnia," a trip to the library, and swimming.

Summer is so incredibly sweet....and busy. It hums along like a bumblebee, and if we're awake and aware, our homes can become a hive of happily humming bees busily engaged in making honey and other sweet summer things.

Or they can become a hornet's nest of squabbling contention and noisy discord.

I challenge myself this weekend to make my home a hive of happiness, a haven of holiness {even if summer tends to have a higher volume than other seasons}.

When the buzz of my children would usually cause me to quiet them down and hush their play, I will choose to smile instead and love them for their exuberant childlike wonder.

And when the buzz threatens to turn to angry cacophony, I will choose to be a loving queen bee, and bring sweetness back to my hive.

Care to join me?

P.S. I'm doing a GIVEAWAY on Instagram right now for an original hand-lettered 8x10. It ends tomorrow--so go follow me @writinginthestillness to enter!


  1. I sooooooo needed this this week! Thank you!!

  2. I loved this one. What a great analogy. Yes, being the queen bee has it's perks.
    Hugs for this one~
