Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 25: Out in Nature

There's something so utterly refreshing and peaceful about immersing yourself in nature...

I have always been such an indoor girl, but my heart often yearns to step outside my comfort zone and embrace all of God's magnificent creations. And every time I do, I never regret it.

I have sat on the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; I have waded in lakes and streams and creeks; I have walked through wheat fields and corn fields and gazed out over expansive plains; I have hiked hills and mountains; I have rested under the shade of trees and napped on the sand.

These outdoor spaces have been perhaps the most peaceful of my life and I have felt closer to heaven than anywhere else--except for the holy temple.

God's handiwork is magnificent. And just stepping out into the wonderland of His creations electrifies me with awe.

Today we enjoyed a family day--eating at a restaurant, going to a movie, and weaving our way through a corn maze.

I was revived with the fresh air and tranquility.

How do you connect with nature?

If you ever need to come alive and strike a fresh sense of marvelous within you, step outside.

31 Days to Peace Index

1 comment:

  1. Very lovely thoughts and I too love to be out in nature; but don't do it often enough. this was inspiring! Blessings!
