Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 16: Inner Peace during Unrest

Trials, challenges, heartaches--these are all part of our lives. There is no escaping the opposition that confronts us while on this mortal journey, but at the same time, during these hard times, we do not have to give our power away.

I used to be so scared of the "next trial" waiting for me around the corner. Every time life was going blissfully, I was anxious that life would throw an unexpected curve ball at me. So I lived in this constant fear, and when trials did come along, I responded so negatively. Everything felt like a crisis. Subsequently, it took me far too long to see the silver lining and pass through the challenge a better person.

Recently I have been polishing my inner peace (hence why I decided to write this series and share my experience). Inner peace reminds me of the light in a lighthouse. It shines brightly or dimly--depending on how clean we keep the windows through which it shines. I think my problem was foggy, dirty windows.

The answer? Clean the windows.

Layer after layer of grime is removed when we start realizing our negative, limiting beliefs are not serving us. We need to replace them with truth.

What negative thoughts instantly pop into your head when a trial arises?

Woe is me.
Why is life so hard? This is too hard.
Why does everything bad happen to me?
How is it that no one else has problems?
Why does everybody but me get all the lucky breaks?
I can't handle one more thing.
I can't do this.
My life is miserable.
What's the use? What's the point?
I feel like giving up.

All of these beliefs stick like grime to our windows and impede our light of faith and peace from shining through. So every time you hear a negative voice inside your head, replace it with one of these:

I have faith.
I accept this challenge with grace and ease.
Life is good and beautiful.
I have confidence.
I can do this. We (The Lord and I) can do this.
Challenges are given to me as an opportunity to learn.
I will grow from this.
I may not have the answer to this problem and that's okay. The answer will come in the perfect time.
The Lord is with me. I am never alone.
I am loved no matter what.
I am strong. I am capable and there is nothing that life hands to me that I do not have the inner resources to rise above.
This too shall pass.
I will triumph!

Notice the difference in your reaction to the second set of beliefs versus the first. When you say to yourself one of the positive, empowering beliefs, it's like taking a cleaning cloth to your lighthouse windows and clearing the film that has collected over time. Sometimes saying one of the positive beliefs feels almost like a lie when you first start saying it, because deep down inside, you don't know if you really believe it. But over time, with practice, the smudges will disappear, and the empowering beliefs that once felt awkward will become rooted deep inside your heart.

Next time a challenge arises, take a deep breath and pause. Imagine your Heavenly Father in all His glory smiling upon you and showering down the light of His peace. Accept it. Embrace it. Let it feel your soul with peace. Then confront this challenge knowing, believing that everything will be okay. And trusting that when you look back on this time, you will see the growth, the love, the compassion, the strength, and the perspective you have gained through this experience. You may not be able to be completely happy in the midst of trying times, but you can rely on the inner peace glowing deep inside of you to see you through. It will sustain you with a radiance of calm.

31 Days to Peace Index


  1. I really loved this one. This was such a powerful inspiring post. It was a day when I really needed to read this one. Thanks for an answer to prayer on this one~
    Blessings and hugs for you!

    1. Thank you LeAnn. I am so happy your prayers were answered. The Lord is so very aware of us and our needs. Even when my own windows are foggy, I know He is there and He loves us. :) Blessings to you too!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Diane! I feel like I need to hear these words again and again. We are all so weak, but everything happens for our greatest good. Of this I know!
