Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 3: Define your Success

Today's message is simple. Define your Success.

Some in the world see success rather narrowly. They think success is universally the same for everybody. Bigger, better, more, fame, fortune--these are the world's common definitions of success.

But what is your definition? Do you buy into popular world success because it rings true for you or because it is the common definition?

What does success mean to you? Try on a few of these suggestions and see how they fit. Ask your heart. It could be one of these things or many molded together:

Creating a loving, connected family
Working in your dream job
Bettering the lives of those in your sphere of influence
Impacting the world through your talents
Feeling spiritually connected to God
Experiencing vibrant health
Enjoying every day
Feeling deep gratitude
Being a good husband/wife, mother/father, sister/brother, daughter/son, friend
Living a life of meaning and wonder
Living true to your beliefs
Standing as a witness of Jesus Christ
Living a righteous life
Having sufficient time to be still, or create, or do the things you long to do

There are thousands of small and simple ways to feel successful. Add your own to the mix.

Are you willing to change or tweak your definition just a bit to line it up with what you truly value?

Because if your definition of success aligns with your core values, great inner peace will be yours.

Tomorrow we'll dive a bit deeper into how to be successful, but for today, run the race that has been set for you, redefine your definition of success, and realize that quite possibly, you are already more successful than you think.

31 Days to Peace Index


  1. I do think I have had some successes. Some not recognized until I read your list.
    Thanks for the good feelings on this one and blessings for you!

  2. You most definitely do LeAnn! Thank you for sharing! Sometimes we think we are failures, but really, in the eyes of the Lord we are very successful!
