Sunday, October 14, 2012
Possible Perfection.
Last night I think my perfectionism was completely cured. Finally after years and years, an answer came in the form of something small and simple--a text from my Dad. Here is part of the text:
"I am glad you had such a good weekend princess :). I love your family so much, and I am so very proud of you and everything you are and have become. Thank you for being so good to your children. You are the most wonderful mother, and please leave room for a tough day now and then because you know it happens. I have learned that the perfect mother is not perfect in and of herself and she will even make mistakes from day to day, but her love is perfect, and that is what makes a mother perfect. You are a perfect mother and daughter and I cherish the relationship that we have always shared. Hope your night is wonderful. Love, Dad :)"
And that's it. A magic secret that has somehow been hiding from me all these years. I can rest now knowing that I am perfect in one thing and someday, perhaps, (after many aeons of time and through my Savior's help) I can be perfect in all things.
Love for our families. We can all be perfect in this one thing.
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Friday, September 28, 2012
For Today...
Yesterday fear gripped me as I thought of all the evil and wickedness and turmoil and unrest in the world. And what I feared most was the unpredictability of the unknown.
But today I am shifting my views to the good that is still left in the world, the beautiful nature that surrounds me, all these tender mercies that a good Father bestows. It is all grace, even the hard times. And we must give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father for all times and seasons. But sometimes giving thanks for the hard is difficult. It takes time to learn this new language of thanks when what we want to do is worry, complain about our trials, and be pessimistic. I continue to work on this language-learning, and until I can master it fully, I will glory in doing the easy gratitude--thanks for all that's good around me.
Because it's there. We just have to notice it.
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But today I am shifting my views to the good that is still left in the world, the beautiful nature that surrounds me, all these tender mercies that a good Father bestows. It is all grace, even the hard times. And we must give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father for all times and seasons. But sometimes giving thanks for the hard is difficult. It takes time to learn this new language of thanks when what we want to do is worry, complain about our trials, and be pessimistic. I continue to work on this language-learning, and until I can master it fully, I will glory in doing the easy gratitude--thanks for all that's good around me.
Because it's there. We just have to notice it.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Do your Duty.
A talk from Elder Joesph B. Wirthlin shed light upon yet another aspect of happiness. Said he:
"When we accept duties willingly and faithfully, we find happiness. Those who make happiness the chief objective of life are bound to fail, for happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself. Happiness comes from doing one’s duty and knowing that his life is in harmony with God and His commandments."And what are our duties? They are the assignments given to us from Heavenly Father. Search your heart to know exactly which duties you've been entrusted with. May I suggest that for men the God-given duties include being a husband, father, and provider. For women, a wife, mother, and nurturer. And for both, accepting the calls the Lord gives to serve our fellowmen. As life meanders along, calls to serve may change. But always there will be duties to perform and happiness to find. There is little that compares with the joy one feels after a duty is performed well. It just feels so good to know that you have done all that is expected of you and your heart swells with gratitude to God for the opportunity to serve.
Happy Challenge:
Think of at least one duty today that you can give your whole heart, mind, and soul. Do this one duty well and commit to always striving to do your duties with a willing and submissive heart. Happiness will surely follow.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
Approaching Perfection.

Have you ever considered that happiness, the true kind, the kind that stays in your heart long after a joyful moment or experience has faded into the twilight, bursts forth from the wellspring of a relationship with Deity? Consider the words of the prophet Joseph Smith:
“We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect; and that the nearer man approaches perfection, the clearer are his views, and the greater his enjoyments, till he has overcome the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin; and like the ancients, arrives at that point of faith where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker and is caught up to dwell with Him. But we consider that this is a station to which no man ever arrived in a moment: he must have been instructed in the government and laws of that kingdom by proper degrees, until his mind is capable in some measure of comprehending the propriety, justice, equality, and consistency of the same” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [1976], sel. Joseph Fielding Smith, 51).
"The nearer man approaches perfection"--in other words, the nearer a man approaches God, for is He not the sum of perfection? This one little phrase, the simplest and yet by far the hardest test of mortality---to approach perfection. This one little key can unlock happiness? This forging ahead and trying and failing and repenting and rising a little higher? And with each step closer to God, "the greater [our] enjoyments." The greater our joy. The greater our happiness. And if we feel somewhat unhappy today, could we move a step closer to our Maker tomorrow? Would we, in turn, feel a bit closer to a lasting form of happiness as well? Yes, we will. But don't just take my word for it. Try it out yourself. And see.
Happy Challenge:
Identify one step you can take to approach a little closer to perfection, a little closer to God. Just one. And when you've taken that step, don't be satisfied. Take another. And another. And another. Measure the increase of your happiness after the span of a week. And a month. And even a year. Record your transformation. Each step, each habit conquered, is a molding of ourselves to the image of Christ. Every step makes a difference, each small effort is eternally needed. Don't discount the small and simple things.
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Friday, September 21, 2012
Quest for Happiness...or something more?
I have been thinking a lot about happiness, as I always do. It truly seems to be the object and the goal of every person. To seek joy and receive it in abundance. But for several days I have been having a slight paradigm shift. Perhaps there's something more to life than seeking for happiness.
The words of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin are thought-provoking:
"Those who make happiness the chief objective of life are bound to fail, for happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself."A strong statement like that makes me realize that this lifetime quest should be to find the things that will bring happiness if they are done well. What are some of these things? I'm sure there are many. And for the next several days, I will explore the things I have found that bring real and lasting happiness, practical things that any of us can do. For today, here is one.
1. Maybe we should make the quest of our lifetime, the quest to receive the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. There is a quote I love by Parley P. Pratt that sums it all up:
“The gift of the Holy Ghost … quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings, and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation, and social feeling. It invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens, and gives tone to the nerves. In short, it is, as it were, marrow to the bone, joy to the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being” (Key to the Science of Theology, 9th ed. [1965], 101).Did you catch that? "It (meaning the Spirit of the Lord) is joy to the heart." For the past week I have been attempting to make the quest of each day the quest to obtain and keep the Spirit in my heart. As I have done so, happiness has been my lot. How can one not be happy when the Spirit covers one wit a sense of sublime peace? Even if daily circumstances do not seem conducive to happiness, if we will do something, anything to obtain a greater portion of the Holy Ghost, inward happiness, the kind that really counts, will flow to us like manna from heaven. And this is why I love this thought so much. This seeking and gaining the Spirit is a sure guarantee for happiness...true happiness that doesn't go away or dissolve or fade.
In closing, ponder on the words of Elder Keith K. Hilbig today. They are beautiful:
"In the Pearl of Great Price, Moses recorded that Adam, having been baptized and having received the Holy Ghost, 'became quickened in the inner man.'
"When we invite the Holy Ghost to fill our minds with light and knowledge, He 'quickens' us, that is to say, enlightens and enlivens the inner man or woman. As a result we notice a measurable difference in our soul. We feel strengthened, filled with peace and joy. We possess spiritual energy and enthusiasm, both of which enhance our natural abilities. We can accomplish more than we otherwise could do on our own. We yearn to become a holier person."
Happy Challenge:
Today, and every day, seek the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. When you are feeling down, stop and do something that invites the Holy Ghost into your heart--sing a hymn, read a scripture, serve a child, smile, pray. Then stand back and watch your happiness meter grow.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mountaintop Pondering
Last week we had two family vacations, I was sick with a cold, and we had a wonderful week. While on our campout up in the moutaintops, I took time to really ponder my life and simplify.
We hiked 3 miles up to a lake and 3 miles back down. And during the hike I breathed in the surrounding nature and communed with my Heavenly Father. Together, we simplified and realigned priorities, and created a schedule for the upcoming school year. And then, several times during the hike, a light drizzle would fall from the sunny heavens, and it seemed to me to be a confirmation to the ideas I was receiving.
Now today I begin again to live a new routine. Until last week, I dreaded the thought of changing up my schedule every so often. It seemed that just when I'd construct one, life would change and I would have to start all over. I wondered when, if ever, I would find the perfect routine. But during my simplification process last week, the Spirit whispered a truth that has changed my paradigm:
"It's okay that I have to realign priorities and develop new routines/rhythms. I did this in school each year, each semester, trimester, and quarter. Life is constantly changing. I have faith that the Lord will help me create an excellent way each time I have to adjust."
You see, it doesn't mean that the routine was wrong, when it comes time to change. Life will always flow and change as the times and seasons do. There is no one perfect routine. One must be constructed again and again, and if done with the help of the Spirit, every routine can be perfect. Now I know that I have found the perfect least for now. And someday, life will cause me to tweak certain parts of the schedule, and maybe overhaul completely, but for now, it's perfect.
Happy Challenge:
Evaluate your routine or rhythm. Ask the Lord if your life is going in the direction He wills. Adjust priorities, if necessary, and create or tweak your routine until it fits the plan the Lord has for your life in this season.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Simplify by Serving.
Today is the last day in this Simplification Series. I may revisit the subject as time goes on and I glean more experience, but for today, may I share one more way we might simplify.
That of service.
At first, this doesn't seem like simplifying at all. It appears like more things to add to our overflowing plate. But I'm not suggesting we become "Super-Mom" or "Super-Dad" or even "Super-Server."
I am suggesting that we offer our services to the Lord in prayer each morning and ask Him to bless us with inspiration to know how to bless the life of just one person....
A few years ago I had the impression that if I committed to blessing just one person's life each day, by the end of my 80 or something years I would help the Lord in blessing thousands of life. I recorded in my journal that I wanted to seek to bless the life of one person every day.
As the years have passed, there have been times where I've been more focused and committed than other times. There have been times when I have felt the joy of daily service to those in my circle of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, and times when I have felt to focus my blessing on those in my immediate family. But always, ever present in the back of my mind, is that little voice that whispers of that day when I received that personal "call."
Today I have the desire to recommit and serve...just one person...just one small and simple thing...every day.
Happy Challenge:
Read these beautiful words and see if your heart doesn't swell with the desire to reach out and bless someone's life...
“God bless all who endeavor to be their brother’s keeper, who give to ameliorate suffering, who strive with all that is good within them to make a better world. Have you noticed that such individuals have a brighter smile? Their footsteps are more certain. They have an aura about them of contentment and satisfaction … for one cannot participate in helping others without experiencing a rich blessing himself.” ~Thomas S. Monson, “Our Brothers’ Keepers,” Ensign, June 1998, 39
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Thursday, August 2, 2012
Simplify by Listening.
Just for today, make the choice to listen a little more closely to the voice of the Spirit. Just a few minutes ago I was talking with my husband on his lunch break and spilling to him the worries and troubles from my heart. In his wise and wonderful way, he asked me to do 2 things for him.
#1. Follow the Spirit. He asked me to do what I am prompted to do for the Spirit will lead me to do things that will comfort and uplift my soul.
#2. Be comforted. He promised me that because of prayers and faith the Lord would seek to comfort me today. But I must let the comfort in. I must choose to feel the comfort He will inevitably provide for me.
And then he asked me to have faith. So I promised I would do these things, he told me he loved me, and we said goodbye.
Now it has been 25 minutes since I hung up the phone and I am already witnessing miracles from acting on the two simple suggestions from my sweetheart. I know that I will only witness more as the day goes on.
Thank you, Sweetie, for your words and wisdom. And thank Thee, Father, for the miracles.
Would you care to take the challenge as well? I can only attest that miracles will follow--even if they are small and simple. They will come. They have for me...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Just 1 Thing....small and simple.
For today's simplification goal, all I want you to do (and me as well) is write down one small and simple thing you want to do for your children (or nieces, nephews, neighbors, those you serve at church, etc.) Something that is very important to you.
Perhaps it's a greater focus on music or reading or teaching how to serve. Maybe it's cooking comfort meals or spending quality giggle/tickle time with them. Maybe it's as special as participating with them in one of their hobbies or as simple as asking them one sincere and specific question about their day. Choose just one thing that is very small and simple. Write it on a notecard and place it by your bed or on your nightstand where you will see it first thing each morning. If your goal is specific enough, commit to trying it out. If it's a general goal, then perhaps create a few smaller and more specific goals that will allow you to feel successful once complete.
Refrain from choosing more than one thing. It's hard (especially for perfectionists) to pick just one, but if you list 25 things, and then only do one or two (or none because you're too overwhelmed), it will only result in feelings of failure. Remember, the whole intent of this week is to SIMPLIFY.
Now look at the Master List you made yesterday--remember the 3 headings (Personal, Relationships, and Household)? Insert this one specific goal under the "Relationship" heading. If your list is beginning to look too long, reevaluate it. Do you really need to do and engage in everything on the list, or are there a few things that can be cut out or honed down? Remember, your small and simple thing you just jotted down may be more important than some of the original things on your list.
Good luck! And have a Happy Day!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
How to Simplify Life: Divide and List
Today we begin the simplification process. First, we must divide our lives into 3-4 different categories: Personal, Relationships, and Household. If you have a job in addition to these responsibilities, add "Work" as well. I found it helpful to list these 3-4 categories as headings at the top of a sheet of paper.
Next, choose one category and list the things you do for that particular aspect of your life. For example, the list under my Household heading looks something like this: cleaning, organizing, grocery shopping, paying the bills, cooking. Do this for each category until most of your life is mapped out on paper.
Now, look over your lists and cross out anything that is not "small or simple." Especially on the "personal" list analyze your hobbies and other things you devote your time to. Make sure they are building your spirit, or bringing you a sense of fulfillment or purpose. Most of the "household" and "work" list will need to stay out of necessity, but is there a way you can revise any of the tasks to make them a little simpler? Is there anything on any list that is draining your time and energy? Are there things that need to be changed or completely crossed off? How about adding a few small and simple things to your daily schedule that you've really been wanting to, but haven't had time because of your busy life. Consider adding a few (not too many at first). Things such as reading for a few minutes with your children, writing a thank-you card, a small service, or a personal hobby or pursuit may be a worthy investment of your time. I won't set a limit to how many items can be in each category, but be very careful not to overload yourself. The point of this exercise is to cut out, or at least to cut back and simplify, simplify, simplify. Take some time and play with your sheet until your life feels more simple and small.
This sheet now becomes your "Master List." Make copies or convert it to the computer where you can easily duplicate it in Word or Excel. Then every week add the specific things in addition to the general things already listed that you must accomplish.
Now, before this just becomes another day planner or organize, let's make sure this is a means for simplification. Before you add anything on the list, ask yourself, "Is it small? Is it simple? Does it bring me joy?" If you answered yes to any of the questions, you have permission to add it to one of the categories. If you answered no to all three questions, and it really must be done, add it to a 4th (or 5th) category called, "Necessary." On this list are those things that must be done. However, put a limit as to how many things you can have on the list at a time. For me, 3 seems to be the magic number for now. Only when I am able to cross off something on the list can I add something else.
Happy Challenge:
Do the above steps and see what changes you can make to simplify your life.
Monday, July 30, 2012
How to Simplify Life: Is it Possible?
There are some who say that our modern life these days can't be helped--we're just destined to be busy. While it may be true that our technologically advanced society is adept at swarming in upon us from every angle, I personally believe that busyness is a choice.
We can choose to be busy, or we can choose to live more simply. The trick is to know your personal limits, how much you can realistically and feasibly do without becoming frenzied and frazzled. There is no magic number of things we can take on. It is different for every individual. Each one of us must take an inventory of everything that has been placed on our plates, as well as the things we've opted to add ourselves.
Tomorrow I'll mention some ideas for the "how" of simplification. But for today, believe that life can be simplified. We may not know all the answers yet; it may take days or even months to begin and complete a personal life simplification. But know that it is possible.
Virginia H. Pearce, in a BYU Women's Conference last year, told about a little sticky note she has on her desk. It says, "Keep it small. Keep it simple. Give it time." I love this. It is a very good motto to live by.
It reminds me of one of my very favorite verses in the Book of Mormon. Alma 37:6 reads--
"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."As I was thinking about this verse the other night, it struck me. This verse is not just speaking about how our little efforts can someday bring about great things. It's also talking about life itself. If we choose to live a small and simple life, our lives will turn out great. And isn't this what we all desire deep down? To leave a legacy of a life well-lived? This can best be done by living small and simply. This I know.
Happy Challenge:
Repeat in your mind and ponder in your heart throughout the day these words: "Simplicity will bring me happiness. Small and simple things will make my life great. I can choose to simplify my life."
Friday, July 27, 2012
How to Simplify Life: It's Time to Slow
Summer for us went from a stroll to a canter to a gallop to a full-out tornado-ish whirlwind. Family weddings, photo shoots, registering for kindergarten, family vacations, plans for building a new house, millions of things little and big seemed to crowd in upon us before we could even blink. Today was the ground-breaking for our house and tomorrow is my sister's wedding. Then, maybe, hopefully, next week will start to slow down.
I have sincerely missed the slow ebb and flow of how summer usually is. Many of the things that have transpired this summer have been out of our control, but, of course, there are things I have added that have made the summer a little more stressful.
Perhaps this is a lesson for me---a warning---to keep this fall, winter, and next summer as small and simple as possible. I have always been a small and simple kind of girl and busyness and me have never quite meshed. So many of us want to simplify our lives, but the question is, HOW? When our fast-paced modern life naturally gravitates toward busyness, how do we fight back?
I think it's time for me to post a series (my first!) on how to simplify life. Join me for the next few days as I think through this topic (and hopefully simplify my own life at the same time!)
Happy Challenge:
Today, sit down for 5 minutes. Don't have 5 minutes? Use your bedtime routine of brushing and flossing or some other automatic part of your day to quietly think.
Analyze your life. Is it too busy? Do you need to simplify at all? If so, (and I think for most of us the answer is 'yes') jot down a few ideas of how you think you could simplify a little. Don't take too long on this, just follow your heart and your first impressions, then make a few notes.
Then, if you wouldn't mind, leave me a comment with some of your ideas. I can learn so much from you. Good luck!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Discover the Jewel.
For a long time I have had a little motto called, "Discover the Jewel." I believe there is a jewel in every day (and sometimes many!) All we have to do is find it. Know at the beginning of each day, that somewhere, somehow, a beautiful thing will happen, something you can rightly name a jewel. And then watch for the serendipity to come to pass. It's like going on a treasure hunt daily. And it certainly puts a happy spin on our otherwise mundane routines.
At the end of the day, look back and count the jewels as you fall asleep, the good things, the miraculous little blessings provided by a loving Father in heaven. And even on the bad days, there will always be at least one tiny jewel--if we seek hard enough to find it.
Happy Challenge:
Commit to discovering the jewel(s) daily. Give yourself the childlike joy and elation of a daily treasure hunt.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Our Thoughts.
I can't emphasize enough the truth of this statement. Are your thoughts pure, wholesome, virtuous? If so, you will be happy. Are your thoughts, positive, optimistic, uplifting, edifying, and charitable? If so, you will be happy.
Happy Challenge:
Take a minute several time today to analyze your thoughts. See if they are adding to or detracting from your happiness. Applaud yourself or change if necessary. Do this consistently for a week and note if your days are not noticeably happier...
Happy Challenge:
Take a minute several time today to analyze your thoughts. See if they are adding to or detracting from your happiness. Applaud yourself or change if necessary. Do this consistently for a week and note if your days are not noticeably happier...
For Yesterday.
Sometimes we can't do everything (like not posting yesterday). And that's okay. Happiness in life is all about accepting ourselves as we are and accepting our efforts as enough. Perfectionists tend to only focus on the negative...the things that didn't work out...the things done wrong. In other words, perfectionism is another word for pessimism. This is something I struggle with on a daily basis. I wonder to myself, how can I enjoy the whole when there is a flaw in it? My eyes and mind are drawn to the flaw and then I find I can't enjoy the other 95%.
Let's choose to be optimists...recognizing and focusing on the positive things, the things we're good at, the things we've mastered. Maybe then we'll realize that the color of our days is a warm yellow glow with only a few dots of gray instead of the other way around.
Happy Challenge:
Choose today to be an eternal optimist and see if the hue of your day doesn't turn around instantly. I dare you! :)
Let's choose to be optimists...recognizing and focusing on the positive things, the things we're good at, the things we've mastered. Maybe then we'll realize that the color of our days is a warm yellow glow with only a few dots of gray instead of the other way around.
Happy Challenge:
Choose today to be an eternal optimist and see if the hue of your day doesn't turn around instantly. I dare you! :)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
I got a text today from myself. It said, "Celebrate now!"
At the beginning of the year I randomly selected 6 days to celebrate. Sometimes we get so busy with day-to-day life that we forget to enjoy and celebrate our little successes and accomplishments. These little reminders in my phone were to help me remember to have fun, enjoy life, and celebrate--for a big reason, a small reason, or no reason at all!
I wonder how I will celebrate today...:)
Happy Challenge:
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Call Mother.
Some days when the world is swirling, all we need to do is pick up the phone and call our mothers. It is she who cradled us as infants, she who cradled our growing-up dreams, and she who will still be there to cradle our hearts when we most need it. Thank you, Mother, for always being there for me.
I love you.
Call your mom today to tell her you love her and to thank her for everything she has done for you in your life. And when the days are stormy, call her for comfort or advice. She will always be there. And if she has already passed through this life and into the realms of the next, talk to her in your heart. Heaven is so much closer than we think.
I love you.
Happy Challenge:
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
When you hit a roadblock.
My husband and I were asked to speak in church on Sunday. The topic is perfect, and I have so many points jotted down on a little white notecard.
But today when I sat down and thought about how I could pull it all together and organize my ideas, my mind went blank. I sat and thought and prayed for nearly a half an hour. Nothing. So I followed the prompting to go about my daily tasks with my talk on my mind.
And though I desperately want to put my thoughts together in a cohesive, inspiring way right now, I know that the Lord will help me--in His own way and in His own time. He always does.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." -Isaiah 55:8-9
Happy Challenge:
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Counting Beans.
A few years back I had the most marvelous opportunity to live with my family in Portugal serving a mission for our church. It was indeed the greatest and most shaping experience of my entire life.
While my family remained in the country for three years, I only stayed for two so I could return home for college. Though leaving my family was one of the hardest things I've eve done, I knew it was necessary for my growth and I knew a new chapter awaited me back home.
As the days were drawing nearer for me to leave my family and my beloved country of Portugal, I wanted desperately to be able to enjoy each and every day. So I took two jam jars and counted out a number of dry kidney beans to equal how many days I had left. Then every day I would remove one of the beans and set it in front of the jars, reminding me to enjoy and savor this day to its fullest. At the end of the day I would take the bean and place it in the other jar, almost ritualistically. As the beans were slowly but surely transferred from one jar to the other I was saddened, but also grateful for the inspiration to do this small task. It helped me visually see the days I had left and not waste a single one of them. A year later when my family was preparing to leave, they followed suit and did the bean countdown to savor each day.
Now, seven years later, I have found another use for dry beans. This time to inspire a love of reading in my children. Every time my children read a book or I read one to them, they get to put a bean from the bowl to the jar. When it is halfway full, I'll take them to the bookstore and they get to pick out a book, and when it is all the way full, they get to buy several books. I'm excited. I love books and I hope to be able to foster a love of books in my own little ones as well.
While my family remained in the country for three years, I only stayed for two so I could return home for college. Though leaving my family was one of the hardest things I've eve done, I knew it was necessary for my growth and I knew a new chapter awaited me back home.
As the days were drawing nearer for me to leave my family and my beloved country of Portugal, I wanted desperately to be able to enjoy each and every day. So I took two jam jars and counted out a number of dry kidney beans to equal how many days I had left. Then every day I would remove one of the beans and set it in front of the jars, reminding me to enjoy and savor this day to its fullest. At the end of the day I would take the bean and place it in the other jar, almost ritualistically. As the beans were slowly but surely transferred from one jar to the other I was saddened, but also grateful for the inspiration to do this small task. It helped me visually see the days I had left and not waste a single one of them. A year later when my family was preparing to leave, they followed suit and did the bean countdown to savor each day.
Now, seven years later, I have found another use for dry beans. This time to inspire a love of reading in my children. Every time my children read a book or I read one to them, they get to put a bean from the bowl to the jar. When it is halfway full, I'll take them to the bookstore and they get to pick out a book, and when it is all the way full, they get to buy several books. I'm excited. I love books and I hope to be able to foster a love of books in my own little ones as well.
Monday, July 16, 2012
One Happy Challenge.
Today I just want to give you one Happy Challenge. It's simple and it's something each one of us can do. Are you ready?
Monday's Happy Challenge:
Friday, July 13, 2012
Starting my Book...
Yesterday afternoon I officially started writing my book...the one that's been rolling around my mind for a while now. It scares me, this full commitment to doing something that I've always wanted to do. I have wanted to be an author since I was about 8 years old, and I can't believe I'm finally taking the lunge.
Why is it that daily posting is so much easier than writing an all-out book?? Maybe for the simple reason that I desire so much to inspire and uplift that I want everything to be perfect?
But even if it is scary and a bit daunting, there is something so satisfying in trying something new, something that the Spirit has pointed me towards. There is something so soothing and refreshing in striving to use my talents in a way to bless others. Wish me luck and send a few prayers my way! :)
Happy Challenge:
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Lessons from a Corn Cob
Two Lessons Learned as I prepared corn cobs for my family:
1. We are so very much like a cob of corn. Each of us has incredible treasures within us, just waiting to be discovered. All we need to do is husk off the layers of green...remove our fears, weaknesses, insecurities, doubts, and failings. The sweet yellow kernels of our potential, talents, abilities, strengths, and influence lie just beneath the green husks--just within reach.
2. After we remove the layers of green, we must be refined. Corn on the cob goes from raw to juicy through the process of great heat and/or boiling water. Likewise, it is only through great trial that our natures are changed and refined and made ready to benefit others. We must learn to refrain from resisting these challenges and instead welcome them as necessary parts of becoming glorious.
Happy Challenge:
First, ponder what talents are hiding just beneath the green husks in your life. Commit to remove these husks and unearth your God-given abilities.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Lessons from a Melon.
Three simple lessons I learned from our latest watermelon:
Lesson #1: You can't always judge a melon from it's cover (or the sound of it as you gently tap it).
The other night while at the grocery store I picked up a watermelon on my way to the checkout stand. The hour was late and my cart was overflowing, so I didn't take time to check watermelons for the perfect sound of ripeness. I went against my natural instinct and just grabbed one. I wondered it it would be any good and was nervous cutting it several days later. But to my surprise, it was rather tasty! I guess sometimes you just get lucky. :)
Lesson #2: Have courage to try new things learned from others.
While cutting it up, I remembered that my dad cuts watermelon differently than I do. I thought it might be fun to try out his way and see how I liked it. Well, come to find out, it was easier and made the pieces all nice and square. (I was even able to make a cute little Stonehenge out of my pieces).
Sometimes we get so comfortable in the ways we do things that we never want to branch out and experiment with the ways that our loved ones do things. We share ideas with each other but like the comfort of our personal habits. But sometimes by trying something new, we find even better ways of doing things. We'll never know unless we try!
Lesson #3: Watermelons are a miracle.
I can't eat a watermelon without thinking of my dear Dad. During my growing up years, whenever we'd eat watermelon my dad would inevitably study a piece of watermelon and remark on how amazing it is that muddied water from the ground can go up through the vines, filter out the impurities, and become the sweet, pure juice of a watermelon. It is a miracle--one of those simple things we take for granted. But when we stop and think of the intricacy of the smallest things--especially those in nature--we will be filled with wonder. And it's all the handiwork of our Heavenly Father--the Creator of the Universe.
Happy Challenge:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Bad Day or Prelude to a Happy Day?
Sometimes I tend to think that a bad day signals the end of the world. But it doesn't. A bad day can be just that--a bad day. Not the end of the world. And not a bad life. Sorrows or anger or anxiety swarm around and snuff out happiness like a little candle. But I mustn't forget that a snuffed-out candle today could become a blazing fire tomorrow. Like a beautiful classical piece of music, today's bad day could really just be a prelude (written in a minor key) to tomorrow's grand finale (written in a major one).
Yes, for the most part, we can choose to be happy, but some days are just bad. We need to accept them for what they are, do our very best, and then wake up tomorrow and try again. Because tomorrow may be the greatest day ever. Hope for this. And let your thinking change for the better, even if today doesn't.
Happy Challenge:
Instead of trying to change your day around, just change your perspective. Remind yourself again and again that today is just a prelude to tomorrow's miraculous day. Then watch and see if happiness doesn't unfold, because it will. And maybe even your bad day prelude will change a little too from the coloring of your hope...
photo credit
Monday, July 9, 2012
Happy Challenges
It's Monday again. Which means, it's time for happy challenges. This week I'm posting seven--seven choices, one for each day. You choose which challenges to do on which days, but commit to do each one of these sometime this week.
Perhaps it will boost our happiness levels a little??
1. Do just one thing that has long been on your "procrastination list." Feel the joy and the lift that comes from checking off or scribbling out that burden!
2. For today, choose to enjoy the moment rather than be efficiently productive each moment. Then watch your joy grow!
3. Indulge in one simple pleasure for yourself. We all have small and simple things that make us happy. Choose one today and just do it!
4. Think of someone who could use a little extra love today. Whether it be a call, a text, a letter, email, a meal, a visit, a service, a gift, a little extra cash, whatever that special person needs, give it wholeheartedly.
5. Pick your favorite form of movement (jogging, walking, yoga, dancing, sports, etc.) and do it for 5-10 minutes today. Don't overwhelm yourself with feeling like you need to engage for hours, or even a half hour. Just for today, move for enjoyment.
6. Write out a list of 10 positive character traits that you see in yourself. If you can't think of any, ask trusted family or friends for what they see in you. Keep this list by your bed and read it every night for a week.
7. Try something new! Whether it is tasting a new food, visiting a new place, developing a new interest, or just doing something completely different than you usually do.
photo credit
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sunlight Breakthrough
On those mornings when you can't wake up, when the only thing you want to do is crawl right back under the covers and sleep for 8 more hours. On those days when you feel terribly un-rested, when you feel no different than when you climbed in bed the night before, can you expect or even dream of a happy-filled day?
The answer is, yes. A resounding yes indeed.
That is, if you turn to Him.
Perhaps it is on these days of sheer exhaustion, when we feel so small and helpless, when the Lord's grace makes the most difference. We plead with him on tired knees, bowing a heavy head, and then we reach down deep to muster all the faith we have. And then we wait. We wait upon the Lord.
Have you ever noticed that the mornings that start out with a storm, or a light rainfall, are often the most glorious days? For some reason, the sun breaking through the wool-gray clouds is even more radiant than just a regular sunrise. Maybe it's the contrast of dark to light that is so inspiring. Or maybe we just appreciate the sun a little more when we've had a dose of rain. Whatever the reason, let's make the resolve to make today brilliant...even if it started out a little rough. We can only do this by trusting our whole day to the Master of the Universe.
For it is He alone who can make for us this resplendent transformation....
Happy Challenge:
image source
Thursday, July 5, 2012
It's as if we're not enjoying life to the fullest if we are not fully possessed with charity. Charity, the pure love of Christ, is one of the supreme keys to happiness, I believe. Without it, we judge, backbite, fault find, compare, envy, look down upon, and etc., etc., etc.
The absence of charity is like choosing to wear dark sunglasses everywhere. Outside, inside, everywhere. If we were forced to do this, eventually, we would perceive that the world is just a dark place, devoid of much light. And while we would think this was the norm, think of how much we would be missing.
Or you could compare the absence of charity to the absence of glasses when they are truly needed. Anyone who has experienced the blurry vision of poor eyesight knows that glasses make a world of difference. I remember when I first got glasses. I was in 2nd grade. We drove home from the eye doctor and I could see every leaf on every tree. The detail was exquisite. I couldn't believe all that I had been missing.
I think it's this way with charity too. Until we choose to wear the lens of love, we don't really know what we're missing. But the exquisite detail that comes from a simple paradigm shift is incredible. Life is more beautiful and happier. And we are happier too. Choosing to see others as our wonderful Savior does is not just for their's for ours. Until we learn to consistently take off the dark sunglasses, or wear our prescription glasses, we are missing out on one of the most enlightening and enlivening keys to happiness. With charity turned on, we see the world around us (including the people) as beautiful. Everything is beautiful and we are happy.
Happy Challenge:
For today, choose to take the charity prescription and watch your happiness levels skyrocket: suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. ~Moroni 7:45
And then, do it again tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. Until charity is not just a habit you're working on developing, but it becomes part of your very nature. And then, happiness will be your lot.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th.
Think back over your years of 4th's of July. Think of the words that describe your memories, the colors, the smells, the sounds. The birthday of our country is always filled with vibrant fireworks that puncture the night air, warm parades with crazy floats and lots and lots of salt water taffy in pastel colors. The nobility of the flag passing by and the pride that swells the heart with love for all that those stars and stripes represent. This year can be another lovely memory added to the vault...
Happy Challenge:
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July 3rd. Holiday of the Heart
Today is July 3rd. Which means tomorrow is July 4th. Before all of the festivities begin and we get caught up in the parades and fireworks, could we use today as a pre-celebration, a quiet one that takes place only in our heart?
Happy Challenge:
Today, or tonight, walk outside barefoot and feel the soil upon which you stand. This ground is part of a vast, sweeping country that is free and blessed by the hand of God. Let that thought sink deep and feel surging joy of living in a free land and country that is so very blessed. Revel in this glorious truth for a few sweet moments and then turn your thoughts or voice upward to heaven in praise. Thank our Heavenly Father for the blessing of living in this free country. Thank Him for giving us this promised land in which to live and grow our dreams. And thank Him most of all for the blessing of being free to worship Him. For this is truly the greatest privilege we are granted in this, the United States of America.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Happy Challenges.
Monday brings a new week and a fresh start to developing a good and happy character. I could barely drag myself out of bed this morning with how tired I was feeling. Perhaps, I should embrace this lazy summer day and just be happy. Especially with the small and simple.
Happy Challenges:
*Walk outside and let the summer morning air refresh and invigorate you.
*Pray for a loved one throughout the day, or for the fires, firefighters, and those whose lives have been adversely affected by the wildfires.
*Dream up your next family vacation with all of the beautiful details.
*Write a letter to someone you love or admire with an I Love You or your favorite scripture (a little idea from my son...what he's been doing this morning)
*Be a good mom. Make cookies. (Another idea from my son :)
*Eat a slow and savory breakfast.
*Forgive someone who has hurt you.
*Have a spiritual lesson with your little ones or other loved ones and share your testimony of truth.
Friday, June 29, 2012
I've always admired those wonderful people who could make up stories in their heads, and tell them to their children with adventure and thrilling action. I've tried. For a long while, Little Bear's bedtime stories consisted of a little frog named Rupert who did exciting things. I think he loved them, but after a few months, my creative juices ran dry and I didn't have any more stories about Rupert left.
It has been two or three years since I've attempted to be a storyteller, but yesterday at snack time I tried again. Our story started with King Romeo, Queen Juliet, and Prince Fabio. Episode 1 ended with an action-packed bear attack, and today they will find out the exciting next chapter. I promised them that every day at snack time we would continue the story. They were sad yesterday when the story ended, but they are readily anticipating today's snack time after their nap. They even tried to talk me into storytelling at lunch. I wanted to keep the snack time tradition, but I agreed to tell them a story from when I was little instead.
I hope this becomes a treasured tradition.
Happy Challenge:
Stories have the ability to transport us to new lands and live adventures safely from the comfort of our own homes. Is there a little one in your life with whom you could begin storytelling? There's just something magical about watching a child's eyes dance with wonder as you spin for them tales of glory....
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Line Upon Line
Yesterday during my scripture study, I read a verse that has always been a favorite, but really spoke to me this time. 2 Nephi 28:30--
For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more;And I wondered what line He would give me today, what precept He would bestow.
Later in the day, His counsel came. I have been struggling a bit with Little Bug who just loves Miss Muffin so much that he can't leave her alone. He hugs her and kisses her and squeezes just a little too hard. He just doesn't quite understand that because she is a baby he must treat her differently. Every time he gets near, she starts to cry and I spend the next ten minutes trying to separate them, usually to no avail.
Well yesterday was no different. I was playing referee and prayed to know what the Father would have me do. After all, He knows more about how to reach my little ones' hearts than I could ever hope to. The answer came. I sat Little Bug on my lap and explained to him how he must be ever so gentle with his little sister. This part was not new; the teaching is ingrained daily. But this time I added that his little sister is somewhat scared of him and we role-played different ways to be gentle. I explained that she will love him and be so excited to see him if he is soft and gentle. He seemed to understand to the best of his 3-year-old ability. And for the rest of the day, every time he would approach Muffin, I would utter a small reminder, "Remember to be soft so she will love you." And he was. At least, much more than usual.
It was a line upon line, precept upon precept moment for me, and it made me realize how much the Lord cares about each and every one of our daily needs. Last night I had the thought to pray for a specific need that I see in each of my children. Then I pondered what the Lord would have me do. I can testify that He least a little line and precept to try for today. And this morning when I awoke, I thought to myself, "I wonder what line and precept Heavenly Father is going to teach me today." I happily await the manifestation of His hand....
Happy Challenge:
*Ask the Lord to teach you a small and simple line or precept today, then write it down when it comes.
*Or pray for a specific need you or a loved one may have and wait upon the Lord to give you the line upon line answer you are seeking.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sometimes we just need an escape. The demands and pressures of the day fill us up and leave us empty. Worry consumes us. Our to-do list seems daunting. Little ones cry out for attention and love. Our patience sometimes wears thin. What is a mother, or anyone, to do? In the rush around of the daily busyness, we ride round and round a never-ending Ferris wheel. We long for they day when we can get off, for we believe that in a few weeks, or months, or even years, our life will slow down and will be "back to normal."
But does this ever really happen? In my personal experience, the answer is rarely, if ever. New circumstances arrive just as old ones disappear, and there will always be problems and busyness to attend to. But we can't keep going round and round on the Ferris wheel forever without a break. Everyday life is enough to make one quite dizzy.
But, there is an answer. And it's rather simple.
We need to slow. We need to pause for an interlude of time. We need to savor.
Have you ever noticed that when riding a Ferris wheel, it stops every so often to let new people on? At times I have been annoyed at the frequent stops, or even a little terrified when we stop at the highest point. But in this analogy, these stops are necessary and can be so rewarding.
Of course an escape to a quiet island would be ideal. But realistic? No. It's important to take a small vacation somewhere, at sometime during the year. But oftentimes we feel that this annual vacation isn't enough to meet the demands of the daily.
Sometimes we can get away for just a day on the weekend for an outing to the mountains, to the beach, a lake, a picnic at the park, or a walk in the countryside. These small pauses bring serenity and new perspective so we are ready to meet the next week's challenges. But even these seem few and far between when the grind of work and family life wear us down.
Sleep is another vital pause-button to the equation. But even nighttime can feel so far away when it's 9:30 in the morning and we are already running on low.
But there is a way we can take an escape, a mental vacation, at any time or place. Simply retreat to the bedroom, the bathroom, the backyard, or another place of peace. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and picture in your mind's eye, a place of peace and tranquility. It can be the same place every time, or the scene can change from time to time depending on your mood. For a long while, mine has been a quiet forest with fresh air and the scent of pine needles. Now it's to the ocean I retreat to hear the waves and sit on the rocks.
Imagine every detail, the sounds, and the smells, the feel of the ground on your bare's a wonderful way to escape, even if it is for only two minutes.
These mental escapes take little time, but our brain can't decipher too well between the real and imagined. The peace and tranquility bestowed upon you in your small retreat will carry with you throughout your's an amazing way to stop at the top of the Ferris wheel and view the world around you with fresh wonder...
Happy Challenge:
Retreat today. Even if it is only for two short minutes. Go on an imagined vacation to a pristine, tranquil place and let your spirit, mind, and body be invigorated...
image via pinterest
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Unto the Least of These.
Love is simple, really. Sometimes it just takes a minute to show just a little extra love. Like the day not too long ago that after getting my little muffin girl out of her crib, we sat together on the rocking chair for nearly 15 minutes and just rocked. I gave her a tickle on her arms and legs and face and she sat absolutely motionless. It was a tender experience for me and I thought how sad it would have been if I had passed over this opportunity and rushed off to the next activity on my to-do list.
Or the day when instead of rushing off to get myself ready, I sat a few extra minutes with my sweetheart on the couch as he studied his scriptures. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him. How tragic if I had missed this small moment of joy.
Or yesterday when my Little Bug was having a hard, tearful day. He wouldn't talk to me at all about what was bothering him, but just laid on the floor all melancholy. I prayed as I do every time I have no idea how to reach my little ones' hearts, asking the Father what I should do. And then an idea came. "Mommy really needs to blow her nose, it feels all stuffy. But what should I use to blow my nose?" No response came from the sad little pile on the floor. So I continued. "Maybe...I should use my hairbrush to blow my nose! Is that a good idea?" A little grin pulled the corners of his lips upward ever so slightly. He shook his head just a tiny bit. "Oh. Well, then maybe I could use a spoon! Would that be a good idea?" This time the smile was real and he shook his head vigorously from his post on the floor. I continued to suggest silly things until finally I asked him what I should use. He replied, "Maybe....a paper towel!" We continued the conversation, me asking him where I could find one and he responding and showing me step by step. After realizing they were all gone, we had to find more and then the roll wouldn't go on so he showed me how to remove the old tube before trying to put on the new one. By the time I finally blew my nose, he was full-out laughing and had completely forgotten about whatever it was that was bothering him.
Or lastly, yesterday afternoon when the boredom bug had crept into the household. Little Bear was playing the iPod and Little Bug was loving Miss Muffin just a little too much. She was not liking it...what could I do to reach all of their hearts? I prayed again, then picked up a crinkled-up tin foil ball that was on the floor and asked Little Bug if he wanted to play catch with me. He lit up and ran to his bean bag to play. We were laughing and having a grand time playing catch, Muffin was smiling as she watched us, and soon Little Bear came running in to join the fun. We played for 20 minutes until it was time to get dinner started.
And the scripture that keeps running through my head is Matthew 25:37-40:
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Happy Challenge:
Is there one of the "least of these" in your life that you could spend a few extra minutes with today? Nothing arduously planned out or expensive, just some simple love shown in a simple way.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Happy Challenges.
When I first started this blog, my desire was to help others, and to help myself, find the best and happiest things in life. I ended some of my posts with a "happy challenge," basically a dare to go out and discover some happiness within yourself, your relationships, or the world around you.
And because I loved these little challenges and the adventure of it all, I'll be including one again at the end of every post and a whole list once a week on Mondays...because reading in and of itself isn't enough to produce happiness,
but doing is.
So, for today, here is a list of happy challenges for you to choose from. Or even go out and create your own. Will you take the risk? For choosing to happify ourselves always involves a bit of risk, but only a risk to leave the state of satisfactory and find the comfort of true contentment.
Today's List of 18 Happy Challenges:
*Make a list of some of the things that make you happy. Choose one thing and do it!
*Take a step outside, close your eyes, and take 10 deep breaths. Then open your eyes and see the beauty around you.
*Find a favorite song you own, or one you wish you had (on or then listen to it twice.
*Do 25 push-ups or 50 crunches or a set of both.
*Eat your favorite treat. Be present while you eat.
*Find something healthy that you normally don't eat and try it. Try to savor each bite.
*Meditate for 10 minutes about everything and nothing. Let you mind take a little mental vacation.
*Take a photo of one thing beautiful and share it with someone.
*Take a lap around the house--or 2 or 3.
*Fall asleep after lunch for a short power nap.
*Take 5 minutes (or 45) and curl up with that book you've been meaning to get to.
*Call your mother just to tell her you love her.
*When you give your loved one a hug today, hold it tight for just a few seconds longer than normal.
*Sit up straight--don't slouch.
*Write that thank you card you've had on the back of your mind for some time now.
*Sing a song when you're alone sometime today--in the shower, driving home from work, on a walk, in your closet...
*Make a handmade gift for someone's birthday or just because.
*Sit and just be still.
Now, go and do one! Leave a comment with the challenge you chose and the happiness it brought you...good luck!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Finding Light {My Battle Part 2}
It was towards the end of March that I finally decided to reach out for help. My husband had asked me on numerous occasions if I wanted him to call my mom and seek out a doctor. I turned him down each time, believing that I would get better if I just gave it more time.
I had tried exercising more frequently, changing my daily routine a dozen times, eliminating distracting activities...the list went on and on. And while each of these solutions were good and should have helped, they didn't. I realized that it was my body's hormones and not my external factors that needed a revamp.
But there were so many days that I wished I didn't even exist...for no tangible, logical reason. My life was perfect, but I felt in the depths of despair. Even the warm spring and the sunshine outside, which usually served to bolster me and fuel my joy, only made me feel like crawling up in a corner to cry. The worst part of the depression seemed to hit me in the mornings. Every morning the weight of the day would hit me like a ton of bricks the second I opened my eyes. Sleep was my only escape from the terrible feelings of guilt, sadness, and despair.
In the last week of March I finally accepted my sweetheart's suggestions. He called my mom because I was too sad to admit that I was depressed. She immediately reached out and called me. She found a doctor and I set up an appointment. This was the turning point for me. She prescribed a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and I began faithfully taking the medicine. It took a few weeks to fully kick-in, so to speak, but I found myself experiencing fewer and fewer bad days as time went on.
I continued to practice life-enhancing habits and did my best to eat and drink right. I began taking afternoon naps with my little ones and found my days gradually normalizing. I remember in April there was a day that I finally felt like my normal self. At first these days were sporadic and unpredictable, but eventually they became the majority.
In May I noticed progress. I noted that my afternoons began to be happier, and little by little, the hour got earlier that I would begin feeling happy. Noon for a few days, then 11:00, then 10:00. By June--I hit a landmark. I was finally waking up happy. I waited a few weeks and started to feel like my normal self again. I am just now tapering off the medication and it feels so wonderful to be alive.
While the medication was definitely a catalyst in my progress, there was a spiritual power that activated it. I truly learned how to call on my Heavenly Father moment by moment for grace and strength beyond my own to face the feats before me. It was revolutionary and it has changed me forever...this calling upon Him for grace. Early this year I had been contemplating how I could come to know my Savior better. Truly, this was the answer.
Do I feel embarrassed, saddened, or bitter that this whole experience of postpartum depression happened to me? No.
Though it was excruciatingly difficult, I know that the Lord pulled me from the abyss. As I learned to rely on Him more, and use the resources He put in my path, my burden was lifted. And now as I gaze out at the sunlight falling on the summer countryside, I am truly happy. And I know that even though I feel much like my normal self, I will never be exactly the same. I am different now. More refined, stronger than I was, and perhaps, a little more like Him.