But to end the day, I just wanted to share with you 3 little tidbits that I found so inspiring on this day of love.
First, can you feel the corners of your mouth turn upwards in a sweet grin as you see what this young man did for the girls in his school on Valentine's Day last year? My heart just melts with his kindness. {Click here}

Second, with all of the love-giving on this amazing holiday, perhaps you might take a few minutes tomorrow to send a little love to yourself? Sometimes we forget that we must love others as we love ourselves. If we want to increase our love and charity towards our fellowmen, we need to increase the love we show to ourselves. Watch this heartwarming video clip below or {Click here} to view on YouTube. This truly brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps you might consider the power of a personal love letter?
Lastly, take just a moment to enjoy my little family's Valentine to YOU! (We created this video two years ago, and it melts my heart to see my sweeties look so little!) Watch below or {Click here} to view on Vimeo.
Valentine's Day 2014 from Jamie Johnson on Vimeo.
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet, wonderful friends & family! May you feel my love for you and most importantly, the love of your kind and ever-near Heavenly Father.
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