Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 13: Beautiful Destination

What is your destination? If you have a great vision of where you want to be in life, then hold fast to that dream even if your road today feels rough. Keep your dreams ever before your eyes and savor the little moments along the way. It will all be worth it in the end. 

Sometimes dreams are easily chosen, but other times they're more elusive. If life finds you traversing a difficult road without a specific "dream," take heart. Keep walking the path. Stay close the Lord and He will guide you just where you need to be. You see, sometimes dreams come true that we never even knew would be possible. Your next destination may be a beautiful surprise.

My dreams right now are many: to raise a happy, righteous family, make wonderful memories, write and publish a book, live in a little farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, return to Portugal, go on missions with my husband, and maybe even change the world through words...What are your goals and dreams?


  1. I really love your goals and dreams; may they come true. My husband are now getting to fulfill the dream of serving a full time mission together. Blessings for this one and hugs too!

    1. This is so wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing your dream with me! I am so excited that you get to live it!!!
