Thursday, October 1, 2015

Day 1: Hello October!

Can I just tell you how excited I am for October? This month is going to be wonderful. Especially because I am participating in the write31days challenge again. This year, for each day in October, I will be posting a hand-lettered print I have created with an inspirational quote. If you'd like to purchase a hand-lettered print, click here to go to my Etsy shop. (Note: on the day I post a quote, it will be listed for a discounted price for that day only)! If you are a regular subscriber to my blog, you will receive an email with a discount code to use at my Etsy shop. If you haven't already subscribed to my blog, please do and I will send you a code!

Now for today. October is here. I think I can smell a twinge of autumn in the air and I just love the images that come to my mind when I think of "October." Round orange pumpkins, apple cider, crackling leaves, autumn candles, vibrant colors, warm jackets, Halloween costumes, and home baked desserts. Here's to a wonderful October, my friends. There is so much of life to be enjoyed. Let's make the most of it!

Truly, as Anne of Green Gables said, "I'm so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers." And this little hand-lettered print would make such a beautiful addition to any Autumn decor you are setting out this year. Click here to purchase.